Cancellation Policy

How can I cancel the order?

You can cancel your order online (if you have placed the order on our website) or by contacting our customer agent before the product has been shipped.

Will I get the complete refund, if I cancel the order?

Your entire order amount will be refunded in case if the personalisation work is not done. In case, the personalisation work is done, then the amount will be deducted for the same.

Can I cancel the order after the products has been shipped?

Yes, you can still cancel the order by contacting our customer care agent. The shipping, personalisation and the reverse shipping charges will be deducted from the amount that is paid by you.

For what kind of products, I cannot cancel the order?

You can cancel the order for all kind of products before the personalisation.

Only after personalisation, the products in which engraving, etching or screen printing is done or for custom product order, the order cannot be cancelled.